
Why you should find your balance.

1. The Mayo Clinic says Good Posture prevents back. pain.
2. The Cleveland Clinic states Good Posture prevents Arthritis, decreases stress and adds energy.

Musicians, singers and Dancers have long respected the Alexander Technique to facilitate relaxation as the body is voice and base of the music they resonate and project. Stress blocks this natural breath.

Qigong opens the body to the soft flow of energy for being grounded and tall and relaxed in touch with the better good of all.

And then there is this...The following are excerpts from this scholarly paper:
“Despite considerable evidence that posture affects physiology and function, the significant influence of posture on health is not addressed by most physicians.”
“Observations of the striking influence of postural mechanics on function and symptomatology have led to our hypothesis that posture affects and moderates every physiologic function from breathing to hormonal production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse, and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture.”
“The most significant influences of posture are upon respiration, oxygenation, and sympathetic function. Ultimately, it appears that homeostasis and autonomic regulation are intimately connected with posture.”
“For many years physiologists have shown that the position of the head on the neck is vital because it governs all postural reflexes. If the head is misaligned, other parts of the body move in and out of line to maintain balance and thus energy is expended to counteract the effects of gravity.”
“At the Shealy Institute, clinicians have consistently observed striking postural abnormalities in virtually every patient with back pain, headache, or depression.”
What we have found clinically is that the only way your posture can truly be corrected is when your spine is in proper alignment through specific technologies. This will lead to optimal nervous system function and overall health! When your nervous system is communicating optimally to the rest of the body because you had your spine corrected do you think you will age slower? Do you think you might have a strengthened immune system? Will you get to have more intimate and heightened sensations with your partner? 

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